What Is a Massachusetts Problem Gambling Specialist (MA PGS)?
A Massachusetts Problem Gambling Specialist Certificate (MA PGS), funded by the MA Department of Public Health, Office of Problem Gambling Services, gives credentials to mental health providers who are responsible for identifying, screening, and treating gambling disorders. With this background, our team of MA PGS are able to support clients by understanding what a true gambling disorder looks like and the best ways to treat one.
Not only does our team of MA PGS have the necessary background and education in gambling disorders, but also they show empathy and compassion to the clients they work with. Too often, people with gambling disorders are stigmatized by society, leaving them to battle their problems on their own. However, with the right support, these individuals can reclaim their lives and overcome their compulsion to chase bets.
The benefits to working with MA PGS include:
- Extensive background. To receive a MA PGS certification, individuals must recognize gambling disorders, as outlined in the DSM-5. They receive education on effective screening, assessment, and treatment methodologies for these disorders. This knowledge and expertise allows for more accurate diagnoses and effective treatment.
- Access to resources. The field of mental health is always evolving, and this couldn’t be more true for sports betting and gambling. In recent years, these activities have become more accessible and mainstream, as people can bet online from the comfort of home. Our qualified MA PGS professionals are familiar with the most up-to-date information, research, and resources related to problem gambling and sports betting, helping them relate better to clients and access the best treatment methods.
- Mental health support. It’s not uncommon for individuals with a sports betting problem to suffer from another mental health condition as well, such as anxiety or depression. Our MA PGS professionals can also provide mental health services alongside sports betting treatment, leading to more comprehensive and effective care.
Why Choose East Point Behavioral Health for Gambling Treatment in Massachusetts?
Specialized certifications like the MA PGS play an important role in providing effective mental health services. Without intervention, gambling issues can infiltrate other areas of life, leading to financial troubles, damaged relationships, and poor mental health. Below are some reasons why you should consider seeking support from the MA PGS team here at East Point Behavioral Health:
Expertise in Problem Gambling
A MA PGS certification ensures a firm understanding of problem gambling, what it looks like, and how it affects individuals’ lives. Placing bets can be a fun way to pass the time, so it’s not always easy to tell when it has escalated into a disorder. However, with this background, a MA PGS can spot a gambling disorder and identify how it’s impacting your life emotionally, financially, and psychologically.
Tailored Treatment Plans
All treatment plans at East Point Behavioral Health are tailored to our clients’ precise needs. Each individual’s situation is different, from medical history to lifestyle factors. Therefore, we can’t expect sports betting and gambling disorders to look the same for everyone, nor will everyone benefit from the same treatment plan. Personalized care considers these variables and develops targeted interventions.
Comprehensive Care
Sports betting and gambling problems often go hand in hand with other mental disorders. For example, a person who is struggling with depression may use gambling to cope with their emotions. To them, this activity is a distraction from their pain, and the excitement of winning can give them a much-needed serotonin boost. Our MA PGS team can identify, diagnose, and treat co-occurring mental disorders as well.
Resources and Support
Certified providers have a wealth of resources they can refer their clients to. These resources are up-to-date and include self-help tools, questionnaires, and support groups to enhance recovery. Similar to other mental disorders, you can’t expect a few weeks or months in treatment to be sufficient. Long-term recovery requires a healthy lifestyle, rewarding activities unrelated to gambling, and participation in therapy.

Benefits of Seeking Mental Health Treatment for Problem Sports Betting
Recognizing the need for sports betting treatment is a huge step in the right direction. Oftentimes, people have trouble realizing their problem, especially because many don’t want to stop something that keeps them busy and having fun. However, when they see the destruction gambling can cause, their tune changes. Treatment becomes essential to getting their life back on track. Here are some compelling reasons to seek help from a certified provider:
Regain Control Over Your Life
Problem sports betting can quickly get out of hand, leading to financial devastation and emotional turmoil. Seeking mental health treatment allows you to regain control over your disorder—and your life. With a personalized treatment plan, you can immediately start working on your recovery, replacing old, negative habits with new, positive ones and improving your relationships with others.
Restore Your Mental Health
As mentioned earlier, our MA PGS team understands the various mental disorders that may accompany a sports betting disorder. Many people don’t realize how problem sports betting can damage a person’s life and contribute to conditions like anxiety and depression. The good news is that with specialized, comprehensive care, you can significantly improve the symptoms of all mental disorders at once.
Rebuild Relationships
Problem sports betting can take a toll on your relationships, leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation. Mental health treatment not only helps you repair these connections through family therapy, but also it provides strategies for effective communication and building trust. It can take time to restore your bonds with loved ones, but as long as you keep working at your recovery and staying truthful, your relationships should improve.
Financial Recovery
If you have a problem with compulsive gambling, you may continually chase bets that lead to losses. Very quickly, this can cause you to take from your savings or borrow money from others, putting you in significant debt. In fact, by the time you reach out to us, it’s possible that you may have maxed out your credit cards and depleted your savings. This can feel like you’re in a hole you can’t climb out of. With support from our certified provider, you can recover financially as well as emotionally.
Stop Chasing Bets and Start Your Recovery!
There is a lot of shame and guilt surrounding sports betting and gambling disorders, but admitting your problem and your need for help is one of the best things you can do. From here, you will be given the support and guidance you need to face your challenges so that you can be a happier, healthier version of yourself. Contact East Point Behavioral Health to learn more about our MA PGS team and how they can help you overcome problem gambling or sports betting.