The High Stakes and Hidden Risks of Sports Betting

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Wagering on sports has become more accessible than ever before, largely due to online sports betting. It’s fun and exciting to make predictions about the outcome of a game and the prospect of making a profit. However, this seemingly harmless hobby can quickly turn into a debilitating problem that affects every aspect of your personal and professional life. If you or a loved one is dealing with a sports betting issue, East Point Behavioral Health in Massachusetts can help turn things around. With the right support, you can manage your obsession and develop healthier activities in gambling’s place.

The High Stakes and Hidden Risks of Sports Betting

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Wagering on sports has become more accessible than ever before, largely due to online sports betting. It’s fun and exciting to make predictions about the outcome of a game and the prospect of making a profit. However, this seemingly harmless hobby can quickly turn into a debilitating problem that affects every aspect of your personal and professional life. If you or a loved one is dealing with a sports betting issue, East Point Behavioral Health in Massachusetts can help turn things around. With the right support, you can manage your obsession and develop healthier activities in gambling’s place.

Understanding Sports Betting When Does it Become a Problem?

Sports betting can turn into an obsession just like other forms of gambling can. When this happens, it means you are engaging in addictive behaviors that are difficult to break without professional support. If you can’t stop betting on sports, you could lose your finances, your relationships, and your mental health. Here’s how to tell that your once-enjoyable hobby of watching and betting on sports is now turning into a true gambling disorder:

  • Increased time and money spent on betting. Do you feel compelled to place bets? Do you try to recover your losses by placing larger or more frequent bets on sports? These are signs that you are developing a sports betting problem.
  • Negative impact on relationships. Is your sports gambling getting in the way of your relationships? If so, this means that your addiction is taking precedence over your responsibilities, leading to negative consequences.
  • Greater risk-taking and impulsivity. Wagering large amounts or placing bets impulsively indicates a lack of control over your betting habits.
  • Preoccupation with betting. Do you constantly think about past bets, planning future bets, or strategizing? This might mean that betting is becoming a central focus or priority in your life.
  • Borrowing money. If you need to borrow money from friends or loved ones to repay your debts, this is a red flag. It’s likely that you are overspending and willing to compromise your relationships with others

The Mental Health Toll of Problem Sports Betting

When there’s so much positive information coming in about sports betting, it’s hard to believe that this pastime can actually turn into a destructive hobby that ruins relationships, finances, and mental health. But, this is the reality. For some individuals, compulsive sports betting becomes a significant challenge in their life, leading to a range of mental health problems, such as:

  • Anxiety and stress. Betting often involves risking money, and frequent losses can create severe financial strain, leading to chronic stress.
  • Depression and low self-esteem. Continuous losses, particularly when someone is in debt, can lead to a sense of failure and hopelessness. Betting is also usually a solitary activity, which can cause isolation and guilt and shame.
  • Increased risk of substance use. People who struggle with the stress or guilt of betting losses may turn to drugs or alcohol to cope. This can create a dangerous cycle of self-medication.
  • Mood swings and emotional instability. Winning bets can create feelings of euphoria, while losses can lead to deep emotional lows. This rollercoaster of emotions can be exhausting.
Diverse people in a support group

Do You Qualify for Mental Health Treatment in Massachusetts?

East Point Behavioral Health provides specialized mental health care in Massachusetts for adults aged 18 and older. While we do not specialize in substance use disorders (SUD), we address co-occurring conditions and can connect you with trusted SUD treatment referrals if needed. Our mission is to remove barriers to mental health care by offering immediate intervention and prompt access to treatment. Contact us today to start your journey toward mental wellness!

Female psychologist talking to young man during session.

Outpatient Counseling for Sports Betting in Massachusetts

Outpatient counseling is a valuable resource for those who are struggling to manage their sports betting obsessions. This is a flexible approach to treatment, allowing you to address your issues and develop healthier coping mechanisms without having to live away from home. East Point Behavioral Health is located in Massachusetts, and this accessibility allows us to provide specialized treatment services for those with sports betting problems.

Our outpatient program includes an assessment and diagnosis so that your care team knows what they are working with. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective way to treat gambling disorders, as it helps you uncover the negative thought patterns that are driving the need to place bets. CBT also teaches healthy coping skills to deal with the triggers that drive the desire to gamble.

Other useful therapies for sports gambling addiction problems include group therapy, family support, and medication management. Group therapy provides a safe, non-judgmental space where you can share your experiences and learn from others, while family therapy can help your family better understand what you are going through and why. If you have an underlying mental disorder driving your behaviors, medications may be added to your treatment plan to manage the symptoms.

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Advantages of Intensive Outpatient Services (IOS) for Compulsive Sports Betting

While compulsive sports gambling problems can wreak havoc on your life, you may not feel that you need to seek care at a residential facility. In fact, staying close to your friends and family can help keep you motivated and focused on recovery. We couldn’t agree more. That’s why East Point Behavioral Health offers convenient and accessible IOS that includes several advantages:


Outpatient care allows you to receive specialized treatment services without having to take a leave of absence from your life. You can participate in therapy while living at home and maintaining much of your normal routine.

Personalized Care

East Point Behavioral Health creates an individualized addiction treatment plan for every client. Yours will be entirely unique and take into account your goals, strengths, and challenges. We also empower our clients to be active participants in their care.

Ongoing Sports Gambling Addiction Support

With so many triggers in the everyday world, it’s important that you receive ongoing support for a sports betting problem. East Point Behavioral Health has a full continuum of care, ensuring your support continues well into your recovery.
Our IOS is highly structured and usually lasts about 10-12 weeks. Sessions take place at different times of the day, Monday through Thursday. We even have an evening program that can accommodate your needs if you work a day job.

Why it’s Important to Seek Early Intervention

Prevent Catastrophic Consequences

It is possible to spiral out of control with problem gambling, or any type of gambling for that matter. Some of the biggest challenges that people face are broken relationships, damaged mental health, and significant financial losses leaving them and their family inundated with debt. The longer you let your sports gambling obsession continue, the more damage you can find yourself in. Seeking help early allows you to stop these negative consequences from continuing.

Rebuild Relationships and Financial Stability

In order to continue betting, you need money. If you run through your finances, you won’t have money to pay your bills and the things you and your family need to continue functioning. This can ruin relationships very quickly, and it may take a long time to rebuild trust. Additionally, when you’re spending all of your time engaging in sports betting, it erodes your relationships with others.

Improved Mental Health and Fewer Legal Troubles

The cycle of wins and losses and damaged relationships are enough to wear on your mental health. Starting sports gambling disorder treatment early on allows you to break this cycle and start improving your mental health symptoms. Stopping sports betting today can also prevent legal problems from happening, such as theft or fraud to cover debts.

Many people feel shame and stigma when it comes to their sports betting issues. However, we need to break this stigma, as sports betting is made to be addictive, and it can happen to anyone. East Point Behavioral Health makes it possible to confront your problem without judgment and develop healthier behaviors.

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Smiling man in therapy session
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Is Your Gambling Getting Out of Hand? Contact Our Sports Betting Treatment Center in Massachusetts

Problem sports betting is a growing concern, especially because people can access these sites online from the convenience and comfort of home. East Point Behavioral Health in MA offers treatment for sports gambling issues, including therapy, lifestyle modifications, and medications to treat the symptoms of underlying mental disorders. The importance of seeking help early on is essential, as this can prevent more catastrophic consequences. To learn more about our convenient programs, get in touch with our treatment team today. It is entirely possible to beat your obsession with sports betting and create a happier, healthier life.